We’re here to help
Can I really cancel at any time?
Of course! We want you to be happy with your order. In your Account dashboard, you’re able to edit your order frequency, flavor, and quantity. If you’re sure you want to cancel, you can do so in your Account dashboard as well. No hard feelings!
Do I have to pay for return orders?
All Sale items are final and may not be returned, refunded, or exchanged unless they were defective or damaged.
What are the benefits of multi-case orders?
When you add 3 cases of PLUS X you'll receive free shipping and 10% OFF on top of your order.
How can I edit my subscription?
Please create a login account where you'll be able to make edits to your subscriptions.
What is PLUS X's caffeine made of?
Our caffeine blend is plant-based: Green Tea.
What is Reverse Osmosis?
We proudly use this purification method. This water purification method uses a semipermeable membrane which filters out contaminants and other harmful compounds such as lead, arsenic and nitrates.
Does PLUS X have vitamins?
Yes, PLUS X contains your daily dose of Vitamin C and 4 types of B vitamins.
Is PLUS X safe for vegans and vegetarians?
Yes, PLUS X is 100% vegan!
Do I have to pay for shipping?
If you add 3 or more cases of PLUS X you'll receive Free Shipping and 10% OFF on the entire order.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Orders typically take up to 24 hours to process, and shipping typically takes 3-7 days.